Dr. sc. Chiara Bonfiglioli, postdoktorandica

Chiara Bonfiglioli (Bologna, 1983.) je postdoktorandica u Centru za kulturološka i povijesna istraživanja socijalizma preko programa NEWFELPRO. Završila je preddiplomski studij političkih znanosti u Bologni, Italija, te diplomski i poslijediplomski doktorski studij na Institutu za povijest i kulturu (program Rodni studiji) u Utrechtu, Nizozemska. Od 2012. do 2014. radila je na Sveučilištu u Edinburghu, Škotska, UK, kao postdoktorandica i suradnica na projektu CITSEE (The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor States of the former Yugoslavia). Objavila je više radova o povijesti žena i feminizma u europskom kontekstu, posebno u časopisima Feminist Review, Women’s Studies International Forum, Aspasia i Contemporary Southeastern Europe. U doktorskoj disertaciji bavila se ženskim političkim i društvenim aktivizmom u Italiji i Jugoslaviji tijekom Hladnog rata (1945-1957). Posljednje dvije godine istražuje utjecaj postsocijalističke tranzicije i deindustrijalizacije na rodne odnose u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, s posebnim naglaskom na radnice u tekstilnoj industriji. Njezin projekt na CKPIS-u nosi naslov Tkanje socijalizma: usmena povijest odjevne industrije u Hrvatskoj od poslijeratne industrijalizacije do postsocijalističke deindustrijalizacije.
Chiara Bonfiglioli is currently Newfelpro post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism. She holds a BA in Political Sciences from the University of Bologna, Italy, and an MA and PhD from the Research Institute for History and Culture, Graduate Gender Programme, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. From 2012 to 2014, she has been research fellow at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, within the framework of the CITSEE project (The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor States of the former Yugoslavia). She has published extensively on women’s and feminist history in the European context, notably in the journals Feminist Review, Women’s Studies International Forum, Aspasia, and Contemporary Southeastern Europe. Her doctoral dissertation dealt with women’s political and social activism in Cold War Italy and Yugoslavia (1945-1957). In the last two years, she has been researching the impact of post-socialist transition and deindustrialisation on gender relations in the former Yugoslavia, with a specific focus on women working in the textile industry. Her current project at CKPIS is titled Weaving socialism: an oral history of the garment industry in Croatia, from post-war industrialisation to post-socialist deindustrialisation.
E-mail: chiara.bonfiglioli[at]unipu.hr