Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism
The Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism (CKPIS) was founded at the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula in 2012. Its founding members are Igor Duda, Lada Duraković, Boris Koroman and Andrea Matošević, who cover socialist and post-socialist topics from the different perspectives of their respective research fields: history, ethnology, anthropology, cultural studies, literary studies and musicology.
The Centre aims at a multi- and inter-disciplinary study of socialism, and hence invites cooperation from other researchers, both from and outside of Pula, from Croatia and from abroad. At the moment there are around 200 scholars and PhD students in the international CKPIS network. The goal is to develop connections with similar institutions based on common research interests. Cooperation agreements have been signed with the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS Regensburg), Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (IEF Zagreb), Croatian Institute of History (HIP Zagreb), Department of Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Rijeka (FFRI), Department for Interdisciplinary Research of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU Ljubljana) and Centre for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPK Prague). Project cooperation includes partners such as the Centre for Southeast European Studies (CSEES Graz) and Humboldt University of Berlin. The CKPIS’s activities also include publishing, organization of conferences, archival work, development of University curricula, including students in research, and working with PhD candidates.
The Centre’s research interest focuses primarily on the period between 1945 and 1990 in Croatia and Yugoslavia, but also on the nineteenth and early twentieth century socialist and communist ideas. Moreover, we are interested in post-socialism and transition, as these witnessed the dissolution of the fifty year-long tradition of socialist self-management and the disappearance of the utopian idea of creating a communist society. Socialism – as a historical, political, social, and cultural formation – is still a relatively unresearched topic in Croatia, although there have been some advances in that regard recently. Croatian researchers are not doing enough to catch up with the rich explorations of socialism taking place abroad. We consider it necessary to establish channels for international exchange of knowledge in order to avoid Croatia being reduced to a mere object within this field of study.
A number of historical circumstances make Pula an ideal location for research in socialism. The labour movement in Pula has been organizing around socialist and communist ideas starting from the early twentieth century. These ideas become politically dominant after the Second World War, when Pula’s identity, together with its population and culture experience significant changes. Pula is now for the first time part of Croatia and Yugoslavia, and emerges as a city with an unusually important place in the Yugoslav socialist imaginary, mostly thanks to its vicinity to the presidential residence of Brijuni, its film festival, and its military function. The citiy’s long experience of socialism, as well as its liminal position on the map of the Cold War make Pula an excellent starting point for investigations of socialism, the Cold War, the Non-Aligned Movement, and the various influences of these formations on politics, culture, and everyday life.
More on the current activities and events in the Croatian section of the web-site.
Dr. Igor Duda, Associate Professor
Dr. Lada Duraković, Assistant Professor and Senior Research Associate
Dr. Boris Koroman, Senior Research Assistant
Dr. Andrea Matošević, Associate Professor, Head of the Centre in the year 2017/18
Dr. Chiara Bonfiglioli, Post-doctoral Fellow
Volunteer Assistants
Igor Stanić, M.A., Ph.D. Student
Anita Buhin, M.A., Ph.D. Student
Saša Vejzagić, M.A., Ph.D. Student
Find out more about the staff, research projects, publishing activities and our international network of researchers.
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli
Centar za kulturološka i povijesna istraživanja socijalizma
Zagrebačka 30
HR-52100 Pula
E-mail: ckpis[at]unipu.hr