INSTITUTION. The study programme of history was first established at the Pedagogical Academy of Pula in 1961, but it was closed nine years later. After a long pause, in the early 1990s an initiative was launched for the establishing of a new study programme of history. The first generation was enrolled in 1994. As a part of the University of Rijeka, the Pedagogical Faculty was renamed Faculty of Humanities in 1998 and in 2006 as Department of Humanities it became part of the newly established Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, the seventh Croatian public university. Since September 2015 it is again called Faculty of Humanities (Filozofski fakultet).
STUDY PROGRAMME. The University has the license for single major and double major, undergraduate and graduate studies of history. Double majors can be combined with Croatian language and literature, Italian language and literature, or Latin language and literature. Since 2015 there is also the double major combination with the BA in Japanese language and culture. In 2005 all programmes were reformed according to the guidelines of the Bologna Process.
BA in History (3 years, 180 ECTS)
MA in History (2 years, 120 ECTS)
ACTIVITIES. The Department of History organizes conferences, seminars, round tables and lectures. It contributes to the editing of the Faculty’s academic journal Tabula, it produces monographs and textbooks. Since 2001 the students have been members of the International Students of History Association (ISHA) and since 2003 they have been publishing the student journal Epulon. The Department has established a successful cooperation with history departments at home and abroad, as well as the exchange of students and teachers through various forms of the EU Erasmus Programme.
RESEARCH. The Department of History consists of 15 members, of which 13 work in the field of history and two in the field of archaeology, linked interdisciplinarily with history. Presently the department members participate in one international research project and two national research projects which are financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ). Some research activities are grouped within two research centres: Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism (at the University level) and Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Landscape Archaeology (at the Faculty level). The history of Istria remains at the forefront of research interests. The local focus, however, is contextualized with the aid of dominant political and cultural forces in the region, and with the frame of Croatian national history. The research highlights the multicultural aspects of Istria as a region of interactions between ethnicities and cultures. The research themes revolve around migrations and demography, but also deal with political, social and cultural history.
PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE. In the occasion of its 20th anniversary the Department of History has launched a series of conferences titled Past, Present, Future to tackle issues that are considered important or controversial in contemporary Europe by providing a historical context for their emergence and explaining the patterns of behaviour that are common to different historical periods and are still relevant today.
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Faculty of Humanities
Department of History
I. Matetića Ronjgova 1
HR-52100 Pula
phone: +385 52 377 500
fax: +385 52 211 713
e-mail: povijest(at)unipu.hr
Head of the Department of History
Mihovil Dabo, PhD, Assist. Prof.
phone: +385 52 377 524
Chair of Antiquity and Archeology
Prof. Robert Matijašić, PhD
+385 52 377 552
Chair of Medieval History
Prof. Ivan Jurković, PhD
+385 52 377 552
Chair of Early Modern History
Marija Mogorović Crljenko, PhD, Assist. Prof.
+385 52 377 524
Chair of Late Modern and Contemporary History
Prof. Nevio Šetić, PhD
+385 52 377 524
ECTS Coordinator and Erasmus contact person
Robert Kurelić, PhD, Senior Research Assist.
+385 52 377 552
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