Essays in economic philosophy

Autori: Soumitra Sharma, Marinko Škare
Godina izdanja: 2006.
Eight Essays in Economic Philosophy provide a historical perspective of the impact of religion and philosophy on some of the economic ideas. It tries to cover the time period through ancient times to the end of eighteen century. It also, at times, touches sporadically issues that confront the modern times, thus an essay on the involvement of philosophical ideas in modern economic thinking is also added. The authors take pride in presenting to the graduate and postgraduate university students of economics and business studies, eight Essays in Economic Philosophy, that provide a historical perspective of the impact of religion and philosophy on some of the economic ideas. Basically, we have tried to cover the time period through ancient times to the end of eighteenth century. At times sporadically we have touched issues that confront the modern times, thus an essay on the involvement of philosophical ideas in modern economic thinking is also added.