Doktorska radionica/Doctoral Workshop
Povijest svakodnevice u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji
Pula, 10-12. lipnja 2015.
The History of Everyday Life in Socialist Yugoslavia
Pula, June 10-12, 2015
U organizaciji CKPIS-a 11. i 12. lipnja 2015. na Sveučilištu u Puli održana je Doktorska radionica: Povijest svakodnevice u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji na kojoj je sudjelovalo 12 doktoranada, tri predavača i sedam diskutanata sa sveučilišta i instituta u Beogradu, Berlinu, Firenci, Kopru, Münchenu/Regensburgu, Potsdamu, Sarajevu, Skopju, Zagrebu i Puli.

In the last ten or fifteen years there has been a growing interest in the history of everyday life in socialist Yugoslavia. This interest came after a wave of scholarship that was strongly marked by political history, and which mainly tackled the disintegration of the Yugoslav federation and the wars of the 1990s. Recent researches, based on a variety of historical sources, usually combine an everyday-life approach with cultural, social or economic history, and provide a broader context for daily practices occurring within the process of modernization promoted by Yugoslav socialism. However, the history of socialist Yugoslavia still remains a relatively under-researched subject, while at the same time this topic is often present in the media and in the general public debate in post-Yugoslav countries. Although political issues tend to motivate the general interest in recent history, the fields of social and cultural history or the history of everyday life should not be understood as less important. Without any doubt, more exercises in developing a balanced critical approach to Yugoslav history are very much needed, as well as more interpretations able to both provoke and stand professional historical debates.
The main objective of this workshop, therefore, is to gather an international group of scholars and PhD students and to enable them to get first-hand information on current researches, in order to increase discussions, research networks, and, hopefully, have an impact and improve the state of the art. The workshop will contribute to a new phase of historical research, performed by a generation of PhD students with (almost) no personal memories from the pre-1990s period, no matter whether their background is post-Yugoslav or not.
Around a dozen PhD students, whose dissertations are focusing on different aspects of history of everyday life in socialist Yugoslavia, are invited to take part in the workshop and to present their dissertation projects. This year participants will be coming exclusively in agreement with following partners: Changing Representations of Socialist Yugoslavia, a project led by Professor Hannes Grandits at the Humboldt University of Berlin (supported by DAAD); Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies, University of Regensburg; PhD Program in Modern and Contemporary History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb; and Making of the Socialist Man. Croatian Society and the Ideology of Yugoslav Socialism, a research project led by Dr. Igor Duda at CKPIS, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (supported by HRZZ).
PhD students are kindly asked to fill in the application form and e-mail it to the organizer (igor.duda[at]unipu.hr) by April 15, 2015. The form includes the presentation title and abstract (max. 200 words) and a short biographical note (max. 200 words). By May 30 the applicants are expected to send a paper (max. 1,800 words), explaining the topic and structure of their dissertation, research methodology and sources, hypothesis, expected results and benefits for historiography on socialist Yugoslavia. All papers will be distributed to participants several days before the workshop. The workshop languages for both application form and the paper are Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian or English.
Each presentation at the workshop should last up to 10 minutes. It will be followed by a designated discussant’s commentary after which the floor will be open for questions and answers. The discussants will be coming from the partner institutions and projects. The workshop program also includes three keynote lectures by Professor Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg), Dr. Radina Vučetić (Belgrade) and Dr. Igor Duda (Pula). [U. Brunnbauer had to cancel, so another keynote lecturer has been invited: Dr. Ana Kladnik (Potsdam).]
Participants are expected to arrive to Pula on Wednesday, June 10, when the workshop starts with a dinner. Lectures, PhD students’ presentations and discussions are planned on Thursday and until the evening of Friday, June 12. On Saturday morning regular team meetings will be held for the projects Changing Representations of Socialist Yugoslavia and Making of the Socialist Man.
A certificate will be issued to PhD students confirming their participation and the value of 2 ECTS credits, whose recognition depends on their home universities. As organizers, we hope to turn the doctoral workshop in Pula into a regular yearly meeting of PhD students and experts in contemporary history.
Organizing Committee
Dr. Igor Duda, Assist. Prof.
Igor Stanić, PhD student
Anita Buhin, PhD student
Tina Filipović, MA student